Team Marketing Group AS

Established in 2012

Who we are :

Team Marketing Group AS was established in 2012 in Norway with an ever expanding  TEAM member network  with over 100 000+ all across the globe. Our leadership TEAM brings decades of experience in  oil & gas, precious metals, finance, Nutritional product development, logistics, sales & distribution. 

Our worldwide customer and supplier base benefits from the bespoke service model across the entire commodity and product  value chain, including: sourcing, marketing, logistics and storage, hedging and risk management, and structured finance solutions.

We achieve this through our global footprint, conservative risk management culture, expert market intelligence, and deeply experienced and innovative trading. Our core merchanting business is complimented by our strength in building strategic relationships across the industry, allowing us to provide customers with access to a diverse and steady supply of resources.

Our values

Our core values guide our behaviours and underpin our Code of Conduct. These are the values we live by every day.


  • Be dedicated to relationships


  • Be true to our word


  • Be challenging in our approach


  • Be one team


  • Be exceptional in everything we do


  • Be open and transparent